
Sunday, February 9, 2014

1964 – The mouse and window concept

Douglas Engelbart demonstrates the worlds first mouse, nicknamed after the tail.

 SRI (Stanford Research Institute) received a patent on the mouse in 1970, and licensed it to apple for $40,000.

What is an Operating System? and History of Operating Systems

What is an Operating System?
It is an extended machine
§  Hides the messy details which must be performed. 
§  Presents user with a virtual machine, easier to use.
It is a resource manager
§  Each program gets time with the resource.
§  Each program gets space on the resource
History of Operating Systems
Early batch system
§  Bring cards to 1401.
§  Read cards to tape put.
§  Tape on 7094 which does computing
§  Put tape on 1401 which prints output
First generation 1945-1955
§  vacuum tubes, plug boards
Second generation 1955 – 1965
§  transistors, batch systems
Third generation 1965 – 1980
§  ICs and multiprogramming
Fourth generation 1980 – present
§  Personal computers
The Operating System Zoo
§  Mainframe operating systems
§  Server operating systems
§  Multiprocessor operating systems
§  Personal computer operating systems
§  Real-time operating systems
§  Embedded operating systems
§  Smart card operating systems

Friday, December 13, 2013

1962 First computer game & word processor

1962 First computer game & word processor
Steve Russell at MIT invents Space war, the first computer game running on a DEC PDP-1.
Because the PDP-1 had a typewriter interface,  editors like TECO (Text Editor and Corrector) were written for it.
Steve Piner and L. Peter Deutsch produced the first word processor called Expensive
Typewriter (MIT's PDP-1 cost $100,000).

Sunday, October 13, 2013

1960 – First commercial transistorized computers

1960 First commercial transistorized computers
DEC introduced the PDP-1and IBM released the 7090 which was the fastest in the world.

1954 – FORTRAN and 1958 – Integrated Circuit computer History.

John Backus & IBM invent the first successful high level programming language, and compiler, that ran on IBM 701 computers.
FORmula TRANslation was designed to make calculating the answers to  scientific and    math problems easier.

1958  Integrated Circuit
Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments & Robert Noyce at Fairchild semiconductor independently invent the first integrated circuits or the chip.
Jack Kilby was awarded the National Medal of Science and was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, and received the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the integrated circuit.

Grace Hopper 1906-1992 computer History

Grace Hopper 1906-1992
Developed the first compiler (A-0, later ARITH-MATIC, MATH-MATIC and FLOW-MATIC) while working at the Remington Rand corporation on the UNIVAC I.
Later returned to the NAVY where she worked on COBOL and was eventually promoted to Rear Admiral.

Grace Hopper 1906-1992
Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, US Navy, and other programmers at a UNIVAC console - 1957
Some of Grace Hopper's Awards
She won the first "man of the year" award from the Data Processing Management Association in 1969.
She became the first person from the United States and the first woman of any nationality to be made a Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society in 1973.
Upon her retirement she received the Defense Distinguished Service Medal in 1986
She received the National Medal of Technology in 1991.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

1953 – IBM 701 EDPM Computer

IBM enters the market with its first large scale electronic computer.
It was designed to be incomparable with IBM's existing punch card processing system, so that it would not cut into IBM's existing profit sources.